Choosing a
Medicare Supplement
Choosing a Medicare Supplement
Medigap plans are standardized; plans with the same letter designation cover identical benefits across carriers.
For example, all Plan F policies cover Part B excess charges, though premiums vary by carrier.
Guaranteed Renewability:
All Medicare Supplement plans are guaranteed renewable annually without reapplication.
Research is vital as prices vary among carriers.​

Research and Compare:
Compare plans to find the best fit.
Plans offer different benefits: some include deductibles and coinsurance, while others cover home health care and prescription drugs.
Deductible: Amount you pay before Medicare begins to pay.
Coinsurance: Amount you pay after the deductible.
Popular Plans:
Plan F: Covers 100% of Medicare costs, including deductibles and copays. (It is not available to new enrollees after 1/1/20.)
Plan G: Similar to Plan F, you must pay the $257 Part B deductible for 2025.
Plan N: Lower premiums with cost-sharing. You pay up to $20 for doctor visits, $50 for ER visits, and any excess charges above Medicare’s rate.
Medigap Plan F:
It covers all costs that Medicare typically bills you, with no deductibles or copays. (Note: Not available for those newly eligible after 1/1/20).
Medigap Plan G:
It functions like Plan F but requires paying the Part B deductible. After that, it covers everything else.
Medigap Plan N:
Lower premiums with cost-sharing. You pay up to $20 for doctor visits, $50 for ER visits, and any excess charges.
Key Points:
Medigap plans are standardized and guaranteed renewable.
Plans vary by cost and coverage, so research is essential.
Popular plans include F, G, and N, each with different cost-sharing requirements.
If you're unsure which Medicare Supplement plan is right for you, Torain White at TWhite Insurance can guide you. With his expertise, you'll find the plan that best meets your needs and budget. Contact Torain today for personalized assistance in choosing the right health and financial security coverage.​